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Jane Jacob's Full Profile and History

Jane Jacob's Full Profile and History.

BatamBlack - Jane Jacob's Full Profile and History,Jane Jacob A Journalist Also an Author who were very active in the field of environment. Jane Jacob Born on May 4, 1916 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA making a bloody Canadian woman is very well known in the Greenwich Village.
 Jane Jacob's Full Profile and History
Jane Jacob Via
Never any planned expansion of New York Univercity. For some it is the blog section in Greenwich Village neighborhood had to be sacrificed. At that time there are recorded at least 132 heads of families had to give up her house. Not to mention in this remote region, at least 1,000 small and medium enterprises must migrate business. Seeing the state of the environment is small and sacrificing too much in terms of areas of life, Jane Jacob in action. The woman who eventually was nominated for the National Book award for Non-Fiction started to move. He formed a committer Joint Committee to Stop the Lower Manhattan Expressway or the Joint Committee to Stop the Lower Manhattan Expressway.
  • Born Jane Butzner
  • Date of birth May 4, 1916 Scranton , Pennsylvania , United States
  • Died 25 April 2006 (age 89 ) Toronto , Ontario , Canada
  • cause death Stroke
  • Education graduated from Scranton High School ; two years graduated Columbia University
  • Work journalists, writers , theorists urban
  • Tempat kerja Amerika, Architectural Forum
  • Organisasi Joint Committee to Stop the Lower Manhattan Expressway, Stop Spadina Save Our City Coordinating Committee
  • Famous work The Death and Life of Great American Cities
  • Home town of Greenwich Village , New York City The Annex , Toronto
  • Husband Robert Jacobs
Jane Jacob managed to fight for the toll road was not built in 1958. But against the big developers are not easy so in 1962, 1965, and 1968, the construction LOMEX (toll road) can still continue. The struggle is relentless even make Jane Jacob accused of making incitement to society and lead to a criminal offense. Then in 1968 Jane Jacob finally jailed. The struggle of a journalist to become environmental activists are now not only known in the surrounding area in the United States alone. The fact of Jane Jacob whom in 1961 he had been offered thoughts on rural areas through the book titled "The Death and Life of Great American Cities'. Thought Jane Jacob eventually widely adopted to be part of the policy of urban planning in the Toronto area, which eventually Jacobs lived from 1968 until his death on April 25, 2006.

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