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Review Games : Strategie game Civilization 6

Review Games : Strategie game Civilization 6

Review Games : Strategie game Civilization 6
Civilization 6 Via :

Batam Black CoffeeReview Games : Strategie game Civilization 6 Created by the designer to lead a major expansion of Civilization V (God and King danBrave New World), Culture VI marks a drastic departure from how we think about the placement of the city, growth, expansion, and invasion. It does so by "unstacking" city. That is, instead of piling palaces, buildings, wonders, and you garrison troops all on one hexagonal tiles, Culture VI settlements spread into several districts in some of the tiles.

This concept is not entirely new to the franchise. But in Culture VI, your city will unfold differently each time. You will open the increase of different studies. You will be surrounded the city - and defend against the siege - using a different method than you did in the earlier play.

With Civilization VI, Firaxis want a game that does not settle into a meta established. "We want the players to think on their feet again," said Beach. "We want a situation where you have to react to what the game presents to you. What you map, the starting position, what it means to have a certain leader beside you." It's all designed to provide a more varied, improvised campaign.

What's New on Civilization 6 ?.

Cities in Civilization 6 consisting of the district.

In Civilization VI, every kind of building is part of the district, and each district there is a separate tile. "You have tiled campus, and that's where all the research that was going on -. You have libraries, universities and research laboratories all campus tile" Similarly, there will be a military tiles, tile industry and ports. "There are 10 to 12 kinds of tiles that you would put around your town," said Beach, "and the player now has a puzzle layout of this complex, where they decide where the district around their city. It became cool, fun way to develop your empire which has a layer of depth that we did not have before. "

Review Games : Strategie game Civilization 6 

Placement of the district is more than just an aesthetic choice. Some tile map will convey bonuses to certain districts. Great mountain to study the sky, thus offering a bonus to your science campus. Mount also an impressive place to worship - giving encouragement your faith. "Each district has a good place to put it. You try to manage where they go to where all the tiles of resources. It became fun puzzle layout try to maximize your bonus."

tile district also convey information. By looking at the city district, you can easily tell what the city does. At a glance, you'll be able to see which of your city dedicated to that resource. The same applies to a rival civilization. From the main map screen, you will be able to easily identify the city that, if captured or eliminated, could cripple production enemies.

Research In Civilization 6 more active
Unlike the previous civilizations, the speed of research is not purely based on the knowledge of your civilization. "Now there are things, for nearly every technology in the game, you can do in the game world to push you in that direction," said Beach. "So, if you want to push a rock or construction work because you want to build a wall, you better go out and set up a mine. It will teach your citizens the skills they need to be good in the rock." kingdom you learn by doing.

"If you want to develop the navy, in the previous game Civilization you can examine all the technology for it even without settling the town along the coast. Here you actually get a significant boost to sail when you put that town on the beach. You could get a boost over further to other naval technology to create a fishing boat and begin harvesting naval sources. "

Some enhance the research will be available based on the terrain around you - eat into Firaxis destination for incentivising specific strategies based on your starting location. "Players will have to think through :. 'Seeing this initial position, this is a big one for me to push on horseback and develop highly mobile military I would encourage this direction and went through part of a tree this time.'"

AI leader has an agenda.
Firaxis wanted diplomacy to be more dynamic, and force players to work out the political landscape quickly. "Every leader has an agenda AI history that suits the personality of their history," said Beach. "We have chosen to each have a unique style of play, but according to their role in leading their country in history."

A leader may be fanatical about allied with the state city. Forcing you into a decision: retreat from the city-states and the potential to become friends, or compete more fondly of a country and might come to blows. "You have to adjust to different personalities that you meet and find out what makes them happy and what would upset them. It will vary from one leader to the next, and gives each civilization very different feel."

Of course, the properties can be studied by the player's history and applied to future playthroughs. To overcome it, Firaxis take on properties that are not historically linked to the leader and secretly gave them at the beginning of each match. "When you go through the game, you can find out what they are by spying on them or trying to learn more secrets about them. Once you learn that some other leaders, you can fully open the diplomatic landscape."

I asked what, to my mind, the most important question of all. If the characteristics of a leader is the history, Gandhi would not like the nuclear Armageddon? "We have a special way of dealing with him. At first, he would have looked very peaceful, but he will have a dark side."

supporting units can be incorporated into other units
Civilization VI does not remove one unit per the rules of tile Cultural 5, but Firaxis is a call back on some of the restrictions that harder. "One thing we want to do is make sure you can tie the unit together. In the Culture 5, it is difficult to guard the settlers you on the map because you can not bind them to a military unit, "said Beach.Selain the note Beach, the soldier was maybe a little too spread out. "When you need to concentrate your power to take a city, everything is in the tile itself is a problem at the time."

Coastal describe as a support unit, "something that is part of a military force before it, which really should not have to take the tile." As the name suggests, the ancillary equipment: battering rams, siege towers, anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft guns. "All things such as special equipment for your unit. In the Culture 5 You must have a separate tiles, but we're far from it."

Multiplayer will not take all day
"That's been the bane of the existence of this multiplayer civilization for some time - sessions can be so long," said Beach. To overcome this, Firaxis has been implemented not only faster speed multiplayer game, but also a certain scenario and win a unique set designed for the short game. "You can have a [multiplayer] meaningful session with a very clear goal, and we tried to set it up so it is a one or two-hour session."

For example, a campaign that began in the early Middle Ages, and runs until the end of the Renaissance. From there, the condition of certain victory is added - for example, the player with the strongest religious wins. "We have a system where we can roll such conditions, and each can be a multiplayer scenario that we can present to the players. We can quickly develop a number of them and their offers." The scenario will not be exclusive to multiplayer, either. They will also be available in the solo campaign.(cnn/pcgamer)

Review Games : Strategie game Civilization 6 

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